Worker using a die grinder with a single cut burr to machine a metal component.

The Complete Breakdown of Different Types of Die Grinder Burrs

Often times the simplest tools are the most versatile and one of them is die grinders. They are not only able to grind different materials but also cut, polish and finish them. Die grinders are handheld power tools that have a rotating spindle at the top.

This spindle has a collet on it which holds a bit that can do any of the above actions. You can work on small areas with a die grinder which means the tool is great for detail work and in places where you don’t have enough space for a larger tool such as an angle grinder. What makes a die grinder so versatile are its bits or burrs.

Types of Grinder Die Burrs



A single-cut die burr is made to be used on materials where you want to remove material rather quickly. These materials usually include copper, cast iron, hardened steel, chrome steel and other ferrous metals. Single-cut die grinder burrs also offer a smooth finish when milling, deburring, cleaning and heavy stock removal.


With double-cut grinder burrs, you can work on both ferrous and non-ferrous metals like mild steel, aluminium and also material such as wood and plastic. If you want to be able to remove medium to light stock removal, deburr, clean and finish all of the above materials with an even smoother finish you are definitely better off with a double-cut die grinder bit. These are also called diamond or cross-cut bits.

Types of Die Grinder Burr Shapes



With a ball-shaped die burr, you can chamfer edges, clean cast material, prepare weld seams, modify the geometry of a workpiece and build up your welding prep. If you need to engrave bone, stone, wood, plastics or even eggshell a ball cutting burr is the one to go for as you can also carve, shape and do hole milling with it.

Pointed Tree

A pointed tree grinder burr is made for deburring curved edges and corners, grinding difficult-to-reach areas and making sharp angles as well as concave cuts. This is thanks to the pointed head which has quite sharp grooves.

Rounded Tree

Using a rounded tree die bit is going to help smoothen out materials be it metal, wood or plastic and to help you shave off those same materials. The results you get with rounded tree bits are quite similar to those of ball-shaped grinder die grinder burrs, however, the former allows you to reach more intricate sections.


Cone-shaped grinder burrs allow you to create counterbores and countersinks as well as narrow contours and surface machining. You can deburr the edges of slots and holes with it, create and enlarge notches create edge bevels and counterbore and countersink screw holes.

Inverted Cone

An inverter cone burr is an exact opposite of a cone-shaped burr with a wide and flat end that points down. Its flat head allows you to use it in small spaces where you need to make holes and grooves. You can deburr a hole, enlarge a groove or a hole, create edge machining from behind and deburr or countersink the inside of a hole with an inverted cone die grinder bit.


If you want to be able to remove broken screws and enlarge notches at the same time you should consider using a cylinder-shaped bit. This type of die grinder bit you can create bevels and chamfers on materials such as wood and stone and get a clean and precise finish.


Also called an egg-shaped grinder burr, an oval burr allows you to deburr, make concave cuts, reshape slots and holes and make details and wood, stone and other types of materials. With an oval cutting burr, you can also create notches even in plastics and carve.


A spherical burr lets you remove material, cut and smooth different types of metals, plastics and wood. You can deburr bores and holes with it and work on slots and grooves. Blending welds, machine lines and screw removal are also possible with a spherical die grinder burr. A spherical burr lets you clean deep groves, bores and holes too.


Similar to pointed tree burrs, flame burrs can be used for wood, bone, stone and eggshell engraving and to remove excess material. You can create angles and curves and relief carvings with a flame-shaped die grinder burr. The swirling grooves of this bit let you remove surface defects and enlarge holes too.

Taper Radius

A tapered radius grinder burr is ideal for surface machining, making conical holes, narrow contours and radius corners on welds and edges. If you want to be able to do smooth transitions between curvatures, counterbores, countersinks and taper balls taper radius bits are for you. Like any of the above bits you can use taper radius burrs with any grinder be it a die, pencil or rotary grinder.

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